What Do I Need to Bring?
What Do I Need to Bring?
Herding is an outdoor activity working with livestock in farm corrals, arenas & fields.
Herding is an outdoor activity working with livestock in farm corrals, arenas & fields.
- Dress for the weather
- Herding is a year-round activity
- Wear washable clothes and shoes
- You might get dirty
- Jeans will protect your legs
- Sturdy shoes/boots will protect your feet
- Dress in layers
- Herding requires some moving around, especially when you're learning. Even if it's chilly you might heat up quickly.
Water & Snacks
Water & Snacks
- There are no vending machines on the farm, so bring your own water, beverages, and snacks, if desired.
- There is fast food available in nearby Genoa City & Richmond.
Gear for your Dog
Gear for your Dog
- A buckle-collar. (No choke chains or prong collars)
- A 6-foot leash for walking around the farm.
- Keep your dog on leash.
- We'll use a farm-leash when you're working.
- Extended Flexi-type leashes are not allowed on the farm.
Safety for your Dog
Safety for your Dog
- Drinking water for your dog is available at the farm.
- Tubs of water for your dog to jump into to cool off are always available.
- All dogs must be on leash or crated except when working.
- PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOGS. There are poop-scoopers conveniently located around the farm along with trash bags to dispose of it in.
- All dogs must be vaccinated for Rabies as required by law, vaccinated for other communicable diseases as recommended by your vet, and parasite free.
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